Bachelor in Psychology • Master in Nursing Administration • Co-Founded Shining Hope International (previously Christ for the Crescent World) • Leads active Women’s Ministry
Through Jesus Christ, God made His grace known to us when we were young, and from His love and mercy we felt compelled to the ministry in the USA and the Middle East. We believe that Jesus came to earth willingly, lived here, was crucified, and rose on the third day. We follow the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16–20) and proclaim the Good News to all people.
In 2003, Pastor Tony Ghareeb founded Shining Hope International, formerly Christ for the Crescent World. Through pastoring Arabic New Life Church, Pastor Tony conducted several outreach programs to share the Good News with different ethnic groups in the greater DC area and beyond. Local churches participated in evangelical outreach and provided a dedicated team of prayers warriors. As a result, thousands were reached with the clear message of the love of God. Thanks to the blessings of God, many lives were transformed and two churches were planted.
In 2012, the ministry was recognized by the IRS as nonprofit (501 C3) and established a Board of Directors from lay leaders in the community and pastors of local churches. As Pastor Tony shared his vision to reach the lost for Jesus Christ, Shining Hope International established partnerships with local churches in the DC metro area.
Starting a School in Lebanon
Spreading the Good News to the Middle East
The Lord has allowed the ministry to reach to Syrian Kurds, Arab refugees, and neighboring communities. Their hearts were open, their lives changed, and a church plant was born.
Due to the rapid growth, the ministry needed co-laborers aligned with its vision to help bring hope. Recruitment started in the USA and Lebanon. A wonderful team was created that included couples from the USA, one couple from Lebanon, two couples who were new converts in Lebanon, and seven teachers. Sunday evening service, home Bible study groups, and discipleship programs are ongoing. Shining Hope International has been blessed to be able able to purchase two pieces of lands — a school that would hold up to one thousand students and a training / conference center. Our goal is to eliminate illiteracy, so every person can read God’s Word for himself / herself.
God’s grace allowed all this to happen, as Shining Hope International continues to share the hope that is in Jesus Christ.