Jan '22

Training the future with hope
Jan '22

In addition to the school for refugee children, we are planning for the Christian Leadership Training & Conference Center. This is the next step in fulfilling one of our Guiding Values to multiply.
Despite persecution of believers, many of our new converts express the desire to go back to their hometown and start a church. To replicate the work we do in Lebanon in Syria and other Middle Eastern countries, we need to train Biblical leaders.
This training / conference center is shovel ready — we have purchased the land and have acquired the necessary government permits. To start, we need funds to purchase materials and pay workers.
We are excited to see the project begin, and with the US dollar being worth so much more than the local currency (lira) in Lebanon, your donation of any amount goes a long way. Help us to fulfill the great commission to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).