— Vision
Transformation through empowered and inspired believers sharing their faith.
— Mission
Our mission is to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to disciple, mobilize, educate, inspire, and transform unreached groups in the Middle East (Matthew 28:19).
— Goals
Proclaim • Equip • Establish • Send
- We want to PROCLAIM THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST through compassionate ministries (both spiritual and physical), ongoing visitation, personal discipleship, and Christian education.
- Through Bible studies and Biblical training courses, we endeavor to EQUIP AND DISCIPLE THE SAINTS in the work and message of the Gospel to bring about “the obedience of faith” (Romans 1:5 • Ephesians 4:12), including
- Volunteers
- New believers, empowered to freely their share faith within their circle of influence
- Believing women, children, and youth
- Leaders as well as the new-in-Christ
- PLANT LOCAL CHURCHES with mature leaders and elders for a new generation and a SCHOOL to train children to be productive citizens of the community. By investing in small groups of all ages and partnering with local government and churches, we will become a part of the community and contribute to the growth of God’s kingdom.
Our hope is to PLANT A HOUSE CHURCH IN EVERY VILLAGE IN THE BEKKA VALLEY (Lebanon) within the next 5 years. Shining Hope International has implemented a church planting program that stands for gifts, grow, and glory. This church planting program depends on seasoned pastors training new pastors to provide the essentials on how to maintain a healthy church, so we can serve our Master in the most righteous way possible. After all, that is what we are called for. - We strive to TRAIN LEADERS TO SHEPHERD CHURCH PLANTS as God raises and calls them to share their faith with others, caring for physical needs as well as spiritual (Proverbs 27:23).