Feb '22

Blessing refugees in places that should be unreachable
Feb '22

The refugee crisis in Lebanon presents a rare opportunity to share the love of God and His word with people who normally would be unreachable.
“It is not easy to get permission to go inside these [Syrian refugee] camps — they are fortified like prisons with armed soldiers guarding these camps — but God has given us wide open doors to go to minister the Gospel to countless people.” — Outreach Volunteer in [WHEVER IN LEBANON, I.E., WESTERN, EASTERN, OR NAME THE CITY OR REGION], Lebanon
“At times when they [the refugees] see us handing out copies of the New Testament, more come over and ask for one for themselves. We also go tent to tents to share the gospel with whole families. Some of them are asking us to come back and teach them more from the Bible.” — Outreach Volunteer in [WHEVER IN LEBANON, I.E., WESTERN, EASTERN, OR NAME THE CITY OR REGIO,], Lebanon
Friends, God has presented us with an incredible opportunity to place Bibles in the hands of people who are hungry for the Word of God in some of the most Bible-hostile places on earth. We ask that you pray for those we reach and that God would multiply our efforts.