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HOPE Center Update (Summer 2024)

We continue to build The HOPE Center in Lebanon as funds are available. It is through your generous giving that this building is going up to serve those in the Middle East looking for HOPE. Join us in building HOPE for the future at



HOPE CENTER’s Second Floor

We are making progress on the HOPE CENTER. The second floor is complete! Check out the video below.


HOPE CENTER March 2023

Christ for the Crescent World (CFCW), now Shining Hope International (SHI), has helped Christian individuals and local churches get involved in the mission field since 2015. Our work is accessible, creative, and comprehensive.

In 2015, SHI helped a local church start a new school. Presently, SHI operates a school of 350 children in Anjar. Two churches have been planted, one for the Lebanese in Beirut and one for the community in Anjar. The local church body in Anjar comes entirely from a Muslim background. In addition, three home churches were planted. We continue to go to remote villages and offer both physical food and spiritual food. We distribute Bibles and teach lessons based on Biblical principles. We are honored to share our hope in Jesus Christ.

We have supported six different pastors in Lebanon since the deadly explosion in Beirut. We currently support one local church in Beirut whose pastor died of COVID in 2021. The ministry has grown so much, resulting in a need for a Training Center to teach, equip, and send out missionaries throughout the Middle East.

WHY? We are setting up a uniquely placed training center to disciple and train new believers to become missionaries of the future. With your help, we can impact the world and multiply the number of missionaries to be sent out, instead of relying on the traditional one-missionary-at-a-time method.

HOW? By equipping new believers to serve before sending them out, we prepare to further the gospel. The local believers live on a lean budget, but their advantages include knowing the distinct cultures and languages of the people they represent.

WHEN? Now. Due to the displacement of Syrian refugees and the crisis in Lebanon, many people barely survive on a day-to-day basis. More than 2.5 million Syrians have migrated to Lebanon. The good news is that many of these people have surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ. What is the need?

To teach and encourage, to grow and equip disciples of Jesus Christ, who are known for serving others—people who make His name known by their fruits and their character. We need to complete establishing the training center. It will empower future missionaries to meet the pressing need in the Middle East. Each convert will receive a Bible.

YOUR IMPACT — Your donation will help us complete the training center by this summer. Through your contribution, SHI will be able to send local disciples as missionaries to over 21 countries in the Middle East. We believe there is a place for you to join us in making an eternal difference!

Mathew 28: 16–20
Training Center Video March 2023


Footings for the Training Center

Praise the Lord! Check out the first day of excavation for the Training Center footings. There have been a few set backs, but we are hopeful to complete the first and second floors in 2022!


Training Center Update

The Lord has provided us with a piece of land to construct the Christian Training Center for future leaders. We are in the process of developing the land with a building that will host many activities including:
  • Discipling new believers
  • Training future leaders to plant new churches
  • Providing a place to rest and grow for missionaries, those facing persecution, or people who need a respite
  • Creating a space that can be used for conferences or as a retreat center for the local church
Together we can transform lives through prayer and by your financial support. We are so thankful to all the churches and our supporters who believe in the mission and vision of Christ for the Crescent World. Your partnership is vital and has made it possible for us to continue reaching the lost for Jesus Christ. We can see that we can do more together, and there is so much more to be done in Lebanon and beyond.


Exciting plans for Shining Hope Training Center

We received the architectural drawings for the Shining Hope Training Center. This center will provide modern space to
* Training Christian Leaders
* House Visiting Missionaries
* Provide Substance Abuse Treatment
* Act as a Safe House for Persecuted Christians
Join use as we move forward on this project. You can donate online now.


Training the future with hope

In addition to the school for refugee children, we are planning for the Christian Leadership Training & Conference Center. This is the next step in fulfilling one of our Guiding Values to multiply.
Despite persecution of believers, many of our new converts express the desire to go back to their hometown and start a church. To replicate the work we do in Lebanon in Syria and other Middle Eastern countries, we need to train Biblical leaders. 
This training / conference center is shovel ready — we have purchased the land and have acquired the necessary government permits. To start, we need funds to purchase materials and pay workers.
We are excited to see the project begin, and with the US dollar being worth so much more than the local currency (lira) in Lebanon, your donation of any amount goes a long way. Help us to fulfill the great commission to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).
