Feb '22

Without heat, people suffer
Feb '22

When you are living in a tent, a snowstorm with feet (not inches) of snow is a big problem. It collapses tent walls and roofs, leaving refugees desperate for warmth. In 2022, there has already been record-breaking snow, with bitter cold that complicates efforts to help the most needy.
Refugees already live far below the poverty line, and they need help. Shining Hope International provides winter shoes, warm clothes, and heavy coats for families who are trying to survive on nothing. We also distribute blankets and mazote (heating fuel) — anything that will help people make it through the winter.
With the US dollar worth so much more than the local currency (lira) in Lebanon, your donation of any amount go such a long way. Not only do we provide warmth from the clothes and blankets, we offer families a Jesus Film and a Bible and warmth that comes through hope in Christ. Please help us help them.