Please pray for Lebanon …

Please join us in praying for Lebanon …
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Spring has sprung at HOPE School


Hope Academy April 2023

Happy Easter and greetings from Lebanon in Jesus name!
Thank you so much for your prayers and support. We want to share with you how well the school is doing. Children love to come to school to learn about Jesus, where they also study English and many other subjects. We average 300+ children per day, but with the weather is improving, some of the children have to work to help support their families.
The Word of God is a light!
An 11-year-old girl (we will call “H”) has been attending the school for three years. She attends school and works in the field when the weather is good. Daily wages are $1 a day. One day while she was working, H found a gold ring and kept it in her pocket. Three days later, a person asked if anyone had found a ring. H gave the ring back to its owner, and when the owner asked why she didn’t keep the ring, she replied, “I can’t. Jesus is in my heart. I would be lying, and lying has consequences. I learned all this at the school in Anjar [Hope Academy in Anjar, Lebanon].”
Jesus is transforming lives!
In the first week of our arrival in Lebanon, we met a young boy named Mo. We heard from others that Mo struggled with hitting other children because of some anger issues. We sat down with Mo and listened to him. He started crying:
“I get angry and hit others when I think of my dad. My dad died a couple months ago. My mom told me that I am the man of the house, and I have two sisters, one older and one younger. I don’t know what to do.”
We hugged Mo and shared the Good News with him. There is the best friend he can have who is with him all the time who is always willing to listen — His name is Jesus. “I want Jesus to be my friend,” cried Mo. He accepted the Lord and promised to behave. Since then, Mo is a changed boy! He is calm, studies hard, and gets along well with others.
We covet your prayers!
Please pray for us as we continue our journey in Lebanon.
Truly, the field is ready for harvest. Would you join us to continue to make eternal difference?

$47 / Month Brings Education and Hope to a Child

We often ask, “How much does genuine care cost?” Tragedies and crisis continue to overwhelm the Middle East, especially after the earthquakes that hit the region. As you read our web page and newsletter, you will see that there are many children struggling to find a place to call home. Many Syrian refugees are orphans and live with extended family members. When you look into their eyes, you can see sadness. They have so many needs — hunger, brokenness, hopelessness.
Shining Hope International comes in and offers them free education with transportation to and from their tents to school. The parents are so glad, and the children love to learn and grow. We work to provide hope while meeting physical needs to help children face the future, knowing they aren’t alone. This hope gives them the ability to endure when tomorrow is uncertain.
When we started in 2015, we taught about 25 children within the refugee camps. In Fall 2022, a total of 700 children registered for the school year, but we could only take 350. Those children not only learn to read and write but also learn about Jesus. We provide uniforms, books, pencils, and composition papers while offering two meals per week. The children feel safe and cared for:
“My parents registered me in a different school, but I insisted that I want to come to this school because I know I am loved and feel safe.” — M [name hidden for privacy]
For $47 per month, you can bring this kind of hope to a child. Your support is 100% tax deductible and will make a huge difference to “one of the least of these”.

The wall around Hope Academy & School