Training the future with hope

In addition to the school for refugee children, we are planning for the Christian Leadership Training & Conference Center. This is the next step in fulfilling one of our Guiding Values to multiply.
Despite persecution of believers, many of our new converts express the desire to go back to their hometown and start a church. To replicate the work we do in Lebanon in Syria and other Middle Eastern countries, we need to train Biblical leaders. 
This training / conference center is shovel ready — we have purchased the land and have acquired the necessary government permits. To start, we need funds to purchase materials and pay workers.
We are excited to see the project begin, and with the US dollar being worth so much more than the local currency (lira) in Lebanon, your donation of any amount goes a long way. Help us to fulfill the great commission to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).


Bread for Life

Lebanon’s annual inflation rate surged to a fresh record peak of 224.39% in December 2021. People who used to be middle class are now in poverty, and the poor are desperate. Shining Hope International is reaching out to those in need with our “Bread for Life” campaign.
We offer bread, a smiling face, and the gift of God’s love to those who come for food. People start to line up at XXXXXXX, and they keep coming until we run out of resources. They come for the food, but they receive so much more. In addition to bread, we provide a DVD about Jesus.
The Jesus Film is a wonderful tool to introduce people to the life-saving work of Jesus Christ. It takes the watchers through the story of Christ Life and the Good News of the Gospel. We are only able to provide this ministry because of the generous donations that come through Shining Hope International. 


HOPE for Lebanon after the explosion in Beirut

On August 4, 2020, there was a powerful explosion at the port of Beirut. The massive fireball killed more than 200 and injured about 6,000 people, causing $12 billion in property damage and stealing the homes of an estimated 300,000 people.
The explosion was linked to ~2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate that had been confiscated by the Lebanese government from an abandoned ship and stored in the port without proper safety measures for 6 years. It was felt as far away as Turkey, Syria, Israel, and parts of Europe, and it was heard more than 160 miles away in Cyprus. It is regarded as among the most powerful, non-nuclear explosions in history!

Lebanon’s economy was already in deep crisis as the national currency (Lira) lost 80% of its value; the high inflation has left almost everyone in poverty. At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic is at its peak, and hospitals (some already short of medical supplies and unable to pay staff due to a financial crisis) are filled with patients.

The physical and emotional needs are overwhelming. Our teams on the ground are working with churches, families, and individuals to put people back on their feet:
  • Food packages for affected families
  • Help with medical supplies and prescriptions
  • Sanitary hygiene supplies
  • Financial assistance to replace shattered doors, broken windows, and homes
  • Aid to restore churches and schools

Help us help them — Donate now.